The Wargamer

Playing through History and Beyond


Weclome to the in its new home. The site is dedicated to playing boardgames and wargames whether historical, fantasy, or Science Fiction based.

I took up wargaming in the 1970's and still have my first wargame 'Operation Olympic' by SPI. I later graduated to playing minitures but never quite left my boardgaming behind. My main interests are 19th Century land warfare, "Steam" Naval,but I will play almost anything!

I am an inviterate tinkerer in systems/game design and often produce Quick Reference Sheets for commercial games and the invariable campagin rules. This site will be used to show case those efforts.

The first section of the site is ready (well almost). It is the imaginary world of Terra Fere and is the setting for many of my wargame battles. The section is currently a wiki which is under development both as a story telling medium and as a site so beware stuff will change. In the interim enjoy.